This is the story of four high school students whose family name happens to be Kobayashi that end up in the same class. No Kobayashi is similar to another Kobayashi and in fact, three of them are considered something similar to the Bermuda triangle. Anybody who gets near, ends up... well... better left unsaid. New student Kobayashi Yamato is not afraid however, and already considers them like brothers and sister! Will his naive youthfulness be crushed forever? Will the everlasting power of "always happy attitude" overpower the famous trio? Will anybody survive the year? All this and more, in Omake no Kobayashi-kun! ^^
Yamato Kobayashi..
Yamato (as he is mostly referred to when distinguishing him from the other Kobayashi) is a young high school student who looks almost like a child. He is short and very, very cute, and his character matches his looks 100%! Yamato is very sweet and innocent and has unshakable faith in the persons he considers worthy, specially the other Kobayashi. He can also be quite cool in some occasions and is not afraid of staking everything he's got to help his friends.
The most important thing in his life is his friendship with the other three Kobayashi.
He is also often the victim of Chihiro's sadistic instincts and mean jokes. All good-natured fun from Chihiro's part, of course (ahem).
Yamato, his older sister and their parents had a car accident when he was a kid, leaving everybody dead but him. Ever since, he has been passed around and his life wasn't exactly pretty until he met the Kobayashi's and his current classmates. Sometimes the dark spots in his past catch up with him, making up for a couple of dark storylines. But even with his past (or because of it) Yamato always tries to make his loved ones happy and manitains a hopeful outlook on life. (Quite a miracle, really ^^; )
All in all, Yamato's enthusiasm, overall happiness and hope are very contagious... and everybody around him (including his classmates) is all the better for it! Even Chihiro and his sadistic instincts, who love to play with him all the time.
Fubuki is her class's representative and is seen as a serious, hard-worker and a "bit" over-powering person by her classmates. Although she is in good terms with everybody, at the start she has hardly any real friends. She also has a thing for young boys (called "shotakon" in Japanese (shota = young boy, con = from "complex")) and that's why she is initially so attracted to Yamato. Eventually her friendship with him makes her more open to other people and she eventually makes very good friends with the other Kobayashi and some of her classmates. After a while, she starts to realize that she has growing feelings for Kengo.
Fubuki is somewhat idolized by some of the students because she is seen as very cool (because she is tall, and later on because of her short hair and attitude). She is extremely protective of Yamato and doesn't quite realize that she herself sometimes also needs to be protected and taken care of by her friends. She also takes her responsabilities too seriously at times.
She has a younger sister and brother and is in charge of the house chores since their mother has to work. Their father died when she was little.
Fubuki also has a terrible fear of spiders! (^^)
Kengo Kobayashi..
Chihiro Kobayashi..